Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fuck the 24 Hour Workday...

I went "retro" and wrote something more akin to what I founded the blog on, a good old-fashioned rant.
Enjoy, or don't, like I give a shit.

It seems to me in the last 5-10 years, or however long it's been that your average retard understood how to use "that Internet thing", a disturbing change has been coming over the working world. I'm not just talking the "hey, your fired" kinda change we've been getting a lot of over the last year or so. I'm talking more about how home life, and work life are starting to merge together in ways that are beneficial to the company, but detrimental to the employee. Companies are allowing, or subtly promoting, ideas that gain them profit (you working off the clock), while you lose (free time, sleep, sanity). Let's start things off with an example;

Giving your co-workers/managers your cell number/e-mail/Facebook address:
This shit seems WAY to common place, I don't mean to sound like I don't get along with anyone I work with, hell some are decent people, but in all honesty I'd maybe hang with 1-2 at most outside of work. So why in the living fuck would I want to basically invite a person into my private life that I don't really like that much in the first place? And on top of that why do I want to talk about work or work related things when I'm not on the clock? If I'm not getting paid, I don't give a shit about what new promotions the store is running, or who's got vacation time coming and needs someone to fill in for them. Seriously, I'm sure there will be plenty of time to discuss this when I pretend to give a shit about it, and the company is filling my bank account. Outside of that, I couldn't give a shit if the place burned to the ground (when no people were inside, of course), and even then I'd only be bothered that I'd have to go look for another place that would let me show up and do some various menial task for a paycheck.

Anymore, not a day goes by that I don't hear; "so-and-so text'd me last night at 2 in the morning and said...", wait, hold the fuck on WHAT!? someone you work with sent you a fucking text message at 2 in the god damn morning! For normal people 2 in the morning is that time of the day they devote to a little thing called "trying to get a good fucking nights sleep" (me personally, I call 2am "prime masturbation time").

In all honesty, I'd actually be a little pissed off if someone I consider a friend called me at 2am (mainly cause I'd have to put the brakes on my little whack-fest). But if it was a fucking co-worker! I'd find them the next time I worked and land a full force "Falcon Punch" on their taint.

And as for "Facebook friending" a co-worker, especially a boss of any type, that instantly puts you in the class of people that would toss salad for a raise, seriously, it's fucking despicable.

As far as I'm concerned the less time I spend doing work related things when I'm not getting paid (my free time) the better. Sadly this seems to be a view that is quickly falling by the wayside, the person who see work and home life as separate things is becoming an outsider, and the "modern" worker is one who more and more seamlessly molds their life around where, and with whom, they work.