Thursday, January 29, 2009

Are you fucking kidding me!?

I don't really watch a lot of TV (Basically Colbert Report, Daily Show, and a little bit of MSNBC, and Discovery channel), but I've run across this (pictured above) thing being advertised, and I got to tell you I'm more than a little annoyed by it for a few reasons. By the way for those of you that can't tell by the picture, it's basically a penis pump aimed at old people, called the "Pos-t-vac". One of the first things that irks me about it (other than the immediate mental picture of either a) old people fucking, or b) some old dude trying to "pump up" his noodle-limp dick) is that it says "this product is covered by medicare". ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? by the time I'm old enough to retire there's not going to be any social security left and probably no medicare either, but right now some old dude can order a dick pump and get it paid for by the fucking government, eat my shit.

Besides the fact that every sex ed class I've ever had has told me penis pumps are dangerous, and you shouldn't use them because they can serious mess up your junk. It could just be my thinking but, if your having trouble getting your jimmy stiff it might be a sign of trouble (stress, physical problems, or nature saying your 80 fucking years old and just need to keep your gun in the holster) and maybe you should get that checked out instead of relying on a toy. Then I remember this is America and we have pills and devices for everything; "can't sleep?, here's a pill.", "can't wake up, here's an energy drink", "can't get your dick hard? here's a $145 modified turkey baster give it a try.".

Another thing is it advertises that it provides "gentle suction", you know what else provides gentle suction? Your wife's mouth, seriously if your so old that you can't get it up anymore your obviously not having sex to reproduce (if you are, just kill yourself now), so you must be doing it for fun, and what's more fun than a blow job....not much.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Legal fansubs, why bother?

So here's the deal, I'm a pretty big anime fan, so I keep up on a lot of anime news and happenings. And the "next big thing" in the anime world seems to be "legal fansubs" (for lack of a better term). Basically an anime company produces a work in Japan then "simulcasts" (or at least very shortly after it's broadcast) it on a video streaming site (Youtube, Veoh, Crunchyroll, etc.) with english subtitles. The idea behind this (or at least the only logical conclusion) is this is to try to combat fansub groups (fans who record anime TV broadcasts add their own subtitles and put them up for anyone to download).

To me fansubs have always been something I've had very little interest in. I buy dvd's, because a)I like owning a physical copy b)it's generally good video quality, and professional subtitles, and c)I like to support the people who made the show. That's not to say I've never watched fansubs (I've seen Initial D stage 3 off of video google, and stage 4 off of Youtube), my only reasoning being it's never gotten released in North America and I had no other way to see it. Of course I could have bought the Japanese release (~$60 each for 13-14 dvd's that make up the series), but a) I'm not rich and b) I don't understand Japanese so it would have been a total waste.

My complaints about these new "legal fansubs" is that for one streaming video quality sucks. This is something brought up quite often by "pro-fansub" people, since most of the new fansubs are recorded in HD and are released as h.264 files there is obviously a huge difference in the quality your getting. One could argue that if your getting it for free you shouldn't complain about the quality, and honestly I support that, but you'll be hard pressed to find that additude among new anime watchers (or at least those that download fansubs). Obviously the companies are trying to get at least some revenue from average fansub watchers that probably isn't going to buy the official DVD release anyway. Thought really I'd rather just see them save the time and money they're using for broadcasting legal fansubs and use it to bust the large groups (the ones getting to most DL's) of the titles they own.

I guess my biggest concern is I don't want to see the avalibility of dvd and bluray releases decrease, just so a company can try to get some income from people who are very unlikely to buy the official product anyway. Or worse yet, companies releasing "web only" anime titles, and skipping the DVD release all together (I can see this happening mainly with niche titles).

Besides if they really want to do it effectively it will have to be better than a fansub in all aspects. It will have to be; a) as good or better video b) as good or better subtitle/translation quality and c) come out at the same time (but most likely before) the earliest of the fansubs. So in essence they have to release free HD quality, professionally subbed anime simutaniously with the Japanese broadcast. Without doing it exactly that way there's no way fansub watchers are going to convert to "paying" customers (through ad revenue, or something similar).

Monday, January 5, 2009

You've "gone green", but your still full of shit.

One thing I'm really getting tired of hearing is all this "Go green" nonsense. It's totally bullshit, in America, a country where the average family spends more on trash bags in a year than 3rd world families spend on everything. All of a sudden you think your little changes are going to mean something? Look, recycling is a good idea, and owning a car that gets good gas mileage is a good idea, but don't act like your Captain fucking Planet just cause you bought a Prius and save your glass bottles.

Besides can't you just do something good for the planet and yourself without having to brag about it and use snappy buzz words like "going green", "eco-friendly", and "carbon footprint". I recycle, and drive a car that gets decent mileage, but I don't feel the need to flaunt it, is it really so much to ask for people to act like adults and not like fucking school children? I guess so.