Monday, December 29, 2014

Howdy y'all

So I got bored and decided to google up my old blog and see if it's still kicking and look at this shit, it's still here after being abandoned all this time. Google apparently hosts this crap for the better part of forever even if 12 people a year visit ;-).

Well, to the maybe 4 people that stumble on here in the next 4-5 months, I'll give you a rundown of the last 4+ years that I've been away.

-I met a girl (Sarah) and we got married.
-I had to junk the 240sx due to a combo of no motivation and neighbours calling the cops about me having a non running car parked behind my parents house for a year and a half.
-I moved out, then came back home, and then moved out again.
-I got fired, then got a new jobs doing the same shit I was for a company that sucks a lot less ass, and pays better.
-I watch and buy a ton less anime and manga than I used to (who would have thought that after being single for a decade I would find a woman more exciting than cartoons? lol)
-That being said, I still watch anime, read manga, and play video games when I get the chance just not for 7 hours a day like I used to haha.

That's enough info, not that anyone gives a shit about what I did in the last 4 years anyway.

As for the blog, I may or may not update it again any time soon. I'm sure there are a few things that I could write some articles on being that I have a few new hobbies since I last wrote a post. Stuff like gardening, moving to the country (not yet but we're trying), eating healthy, homemade food, and other "stuff" like that. I guess only time will tell. Obviously this page doesn't exactly have people flocking here in droves. If I do post anything it will pretty much be for myself, the joy of writing something, and the lucky few that mistype something in google and end up here by complete accident.

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