Monday, January 5, 2009

You've "gone green", but your still full of shit.

One thing I'm really getting tired of hearing is all this "Go green" nonsense. It's totally bullshit, in America, a country where the average family spends more on trash bags in a year than 3rd world families spend on everything. All of a sudden you think your little changes are going to mean something? Look, recycling is a good idea, and owning a car that gets good gas mileage is a good idea, but don't act like your Captain fucking Planet just cause you bought a Prius and save your glass bottles.

Besides can't you just do something good for the planet and yourself without having to brag about it and use snappy buzz words like "going green", "eco-friendly", and "carbon footprint". I recycle, and drive a car that gets decent mileage, but I don't feel the need to flaunt it, is it really so much to ask for people to act like adults and not like fucking school children? I guess so.

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