Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Don't be offended, just drive...

This sort of goes along with the "not driving the speed limit" post I made a while ago, but it's a little different. It doesn't happend too often, but I've noticed that some people seem to get really offended or something when you pass them. I normally only pass when someone is doing 10 or more mph under the speed limit. Since I'm usually not in a big hurry I just ignore the typical 5 under slow pokes. But something that seems to happen when I've passed people that drive slow is they speed up to the speed limit (or over) when you pull out and get next to them. Or after you've passed them they speed up and get right up on your ass. What the fuck is that about? You weren't in a big hurry obviously since your going 10+mph under the speed limit, then all of a sudden you think I'm some prick 'cause I go around you, get fucking bent. I could understand getting annoyed if someone passes you when your already going at or above the speed limit, but to me, if your not going the speed limit you lose any right to be upset when I pull out and pass you. I got places to go, I don't have time to play your stupid fucking games like you own the road and make it's speed limits, get over yourself and step on the fucking gas or shut up.

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